
General information:

The electric car ABC

To the E-Car ABC

The electric car ABC: All terms from the field of electromobility explained.

(Sorted alphabetically)

Guide - Charging stations:

Mobile charging station: advantages & functions

Many e-mobility users know the problem: The electric car needs to be charged and the next charging point is not necessarily within reach. 

To the guide

Wallbox: Advantages & Functions

Anyone who can charge their car at home or in the company car park thanks to a wallbox saves time and money.

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Information on registration and approval

When and where do I have to register my charging station or even have it approved?

To the guide

Find installation companies

Are you looking for a company near you to install your charging stations?

Find an installation company

Guide - Charging cables & plugs:

What should I consider before buying?

The right charging cable is the most important tool for an electric car. Without this accessory, recharging is possible, but it is fraught with difficulties.

 To find the right charging cable, you shouldNeeds and requirements know exactly.

To the guide

Plug types and connections

In the course of the technical development of electric cars, various plug types and connections have emerged in parallel.

Four types of connectors have become established:

Type 1 plug, Type 2 plug, CSS plug (Combo 1 and Combo 2), CHAdeMO plug.

To the guide

Explanation: Charging modes: Mode 1-4

All charging modes explained: Modes 1-4

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